Over the past week we have had several moments each day where "I feel the need to twitter/facebook that" or "wow, maybe I should blog about that!" has come out of someone's mouth! Yeah, there has been that many entertaining moments...If you only knew! I could go on for days about "adventures" with good ole Shelton such as crawling under pews (Then crawling under them again because he do the wire right!) or getting locked IN the church then
getting lock out of the church or cruising in the mini-van and stealing park benches.... Or I could talk about buying 1,600 CapriSuns (Pic to the right!) at Sam's or being attacked by bugs after 8:3o pm multiple nights at the Allen's kitchen table :) or about how I've been to Wal-Mart more in the past week then I have been in the past 2 months or about the weird, crazy or down right stupid stuff that some people say and do or about the many moments where we've just laughed cause that's just the best option! I could go on, but there is one moment that I'm pretty sure most of you know about now...
I have been coming to Milan for seven-ish years now and I'm pretty sure every time I have come to town I have stayed with Niki and her family. I'm also pretty sure that I have slept in almost every room of the house...Even the play room! While which bed I sleep in changes, one thing never does. The bed battle. One of my first summers in Milan my brother and a friend came to visit me and stayed at Niki's house while they were here. One night the kids decided to take some fake bugs and hide them in their bed. Well, this simple act became something not so simple anymore! The boys retaliated with the bugs and some how I was thrown into the mix. On multiple occasions I have gone to crawl in the bed and have found many different things in it. Most of the time it is frogs because I am well...terrified of them! True story. Anyway, they have gone as far as drawing a frog and putting it in my bed because they could not find one of their plastic ones! Over the years I have retaliated a little, but nothing to write home about. Well, that's all about to change!
You see, most of the "attacks" happen the first night I am here because they have had time to go into the room and plant something before I get here. So, Monday night when I got here I checked my bed out before getting into it and all was clear. The next day I got up and worked pretty much all day on VBS and then went to small child's softball game followed by dinner then a quick trip to Wal-Mart with Niki for some more VBS stuff. It was late when I finally headed towards the bed and I was straight up exhausted. I got ready for bed, set my laptop on the end of the bed and opened it up so I could have a little bit of light when I turned the big light off. After turning the light off I walked over to the bed pulled the sheet back just a little bit, shut my computer and climbed in the bed. Mere seconds after putting my legs under the cover I felt something. I then felt a whole bunch of somethings and immediately threw the covers back. I jumped and caused some of the "objects" move. I felt like I was being attacked by a million bugs! I quickly jumped straight out of the bed to turn the light on. When I returned to the bed this is what I saw.
After my heart stopped beating out of my chest I took a picture, posted it on Facebook and laid in the bed until I could fall asleep. The next morning I opted not to say anything because I didn't want the kids to know that it scared me. The first thing out of Niki's mouth when I saw her was "I promise I had no idea!" I laughed it off and finished getting ready. Niki proceeded to hold an interrogation and discovered that it wasn't the kids who did it...It was just one of them, small child. My sweet little favorite 8 year old had gotten me and gotten me good. Apparently she had been collecting the critters and no one knew about them. While we were at Wal-Mart she snuck into my room, pulled back the covers, planted the critters and then made the bed back up all by herself without anyone ever knowing. Sneaky.
I never had the chance to talk to her that morning, but I officially declared war! Later that evening I went to pick her, her brother and their two friends up for church. When she climbed in the car I told her we needed to have a little conversation. On the way to the church she told me how she did it and my only response was "This means war." The funny thing is that I learned later that night that she had asked Niki a week or so before how wars began. Niki told her a few ways war began and that was the end of the conversation. Niki asked her later if she remembered that conversation and small child replied with something like "Yes, I think I know how they are started now!" I retaliated a few nights later with a rubber snake in her bed, but it did not phase her at all. As a matter of fact it ended back up in my bed later that night.... It's time to step up my game. War. It's on.
So what did the first week of summer teach me? Never to trust an 8 year old! Ha! I have learned many things, but one thing sticks out with this whole critters in the bed thing... It scared me so bad that my heart was beating 90 to nothing. Seriously. A lot of times when people get scared like that they make a statement like "At least I know my heart works!" Well, my heart works...But does it really work? They say that being scared "checks" your heart to make sure it's working right. A physical heart check if you will. What if we were to have a spiritual heart check...How would your heart check out? Is it good? Is it in the right place? Is it filled with things that please God? Is it spiritually healthy? Wow... That kind of hurts me.
Psalm 139:23-24 says "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way."
Heart check. Are the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart pleasing to Him? Would my heart and the things of it check out "good" with Him? The first week of summer I had my physical heart checked. I think I'll spend the second week of summer checking out my spiritual heart... Join me?
PS...if you have any good ideas on how to get an 8 year old back without scarring her for life let me know! :)
1 comment:
Way to immunize yourself: you go buy a bunch of those plastic critters, put them in your bed yourself, and then sleep on them. Once you've done that, they may not hold the terror they do, now.
No need to thank me.
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