At some point on the 26th we had a little play time. The girls had received a volleyball net for Christmas and they wanted to play. The area that they would be playing in was a mixture of sand, fine soil, and a little bit of gravel. We decided that the only way we could get the metal poles to stay in the ground was to use concrete. Liv and I somehow decided that we could handle that task...HA! A few of the girls helped us begin to dig two holes. After a few measurements we decided that we had to dig the holes 3 feet deep. I didn't think we were ever going to make it!
Finally after the holes were dug, we had to mix concrete...Lot's of sand, water, laughs and a ton of concrete being slung around during the "mixing" later, we got it poured. However, we didn't realize someone would have to stand and hold the poles till it set. The girls ran off and well, Liv and I stood and held poles for an extended period of time.

Anyway, after the movie the rain had let up and we ended up having the best adventure of our time there. Before I start this story I would like to say that I do not recommend doing what we did. If we would have stopped and thought about it we probably wouldn't have done it, but hey...When in Africa, do as the African's do...Or as the crazy American's do!
We decided to walk with all the girls, Chris, and Jim (A fellow American in for the school dedication) the 1-2ish mile trek to the rice paddies.

We had walked down a few days before to observe the girls planting (pic on left), but Jim had not been there and wanted to check it out. The walk was interesting to say the least. It was mud puddle after mud puddle and about every 5 feet or so you would hear a girl scream from losing their shoe in the mud! As a matter of fact, at one point we thought Liv was going to lose her foot in a mud puddle...Quite the entertainment! We got to the rice paddies and what looked like well mapped out rice paddies a few days before now looked like a huge swamp! (Pic below)
There was a one ledge of mud that we could still walk on top of. We walked (or slipped) on the ledge over to the big paddy they had planted earlier that week. We were all standing on the mud ledge around the paddy which was now a big pond. Liv, Jim and I were standing together and Chris was across the way. I looked at Liv and mentioned how funny it would be if one of us just "slipped" into the rather large mud puddle. Jim said he would do it! We told Chris our plan and he got the girls to countdown from three. They had no idea why they were counting down since they couldn't understand us...
The look on their faces when he dove into the puddle was priceless! Check it out!
They laughed and laughed until they were crying! A moment worth remembering!

A crazy American...Yep, that's what I felt like the whole time I was in Africa. We definitely stuck out looks wise, but also by our actions. People couldn't understand why we came to Africa to see them, minister to them, and give them things. It just didn't make any sense. It was crazy. People here in America thought we were crazy too. Who would ask people to donate large amounts of money in the middle of an economical crisis so they could go to Africa??? Who would want to be in Africa living in the "jail cell" with no hot water??? Who would want to give Christmas away instead of receiving presents??? That's just crazy.
Well, I can honestly say that I am OK being crazy...It was well worth it. I can honestly say that God blessed two "crazy" girls more than we could ever imagined while we were at JBFC. It was a crazy, but life changing Christmas for us both....
I am a firm believer that as Christians we are called to be crazy.
- Love your enemies...Crazy.
- Pray for those who persecute you...Crazy
- Turn the other cheek...Crazy.
- Die to self and put our will aside...Crazy.
- Put others before yourself...Crazy.
This stuff is crazy! As crazy as it sounds...It's true. Liv and I dared to be crazy for three weeks and we definitely got some funny looks and a few laughs. However, the results we saw and heard because of it was well worth it. Crazy changed us.
Are you willing to be crazy? It's the crazies that are going to change the world...
1 comment:
"It's the crazies that are going to change the world".
They're about the only ones that ever have.
Wise words.
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