I am ready for the moment. You know... the moment... the moment in your life where you are ready. Ready to: go for it, to run and not look back, to count it all as lost, to dive in and discover new territory, to jump even though you are not sure where you are going to land...
The past few days I keep telling myself that I am ready to do the BIG vision that God has called me to carry out. However, I have no clue where to start or what to do. I was ready, but I could not get any direction from God about it. I told myself that I was ready, at least that's what I thought...
I just finished studying the book of Exodus and I have moved on to the book of Joshua. Yesterday morning I was reading Joshua 5 and it's the chapter before God gives Joshua the instructions to take down Jericho. When I started to read the chapter my excitement was little to none because the headline for the chapter was "Israel is Circumcised". But as I began to read I realized something that I have never noticed before...
You see in Exodus chapter 3 God calls Moses via a burning bush. Before God would give him any instructions and before He revealed His plan for the exodus He commanded him to take his sandals off for he was on Holy ground. Everyone knows that story, but most do not realize, just as I didn't, that Joshua had a similar experience. In chapter 5 a Commander of the Lord appears to Joshua and tells him to take his sandals off for he is on Holy ground. After each of their encounters they rid themselves of their shoes and then God went on to give them their "big assignment" if you will.
This new realization got me to thinking... The ground itself is not Holy, it is only Holy because God is there. The ground is also uncommon ground, not for just any old Joe Blow. God specifically brought them out of their "zone" to a different spot, a spot to where He was present. However, these two men could not fully be on the Holy ground because something was there separating them... their sandals.
Soak it in and hang with me...
I know that God has something BIG for me to do for Him and I know that He has something BIG for everyone. I am ready to go and do it, whatever it is, but before I can do it I have to go to God and stand with Him on Holy ground. He just wants me to get where He is and be with Him, but in order for me to do that I have to take off my sandals. I have to rid myself of whatever is in my life that is keeping me from being in perfect fellowship with Him. Whatever it is that is between me and Him that is keeping me from plainly standing on Holy ground. It's then, when I am where God is at and there is nothing hindering our relationship, that God can give me my instructions to go and do the BIG thing for Him!
My challenge to you is to join me: go out of your "zone", get with God, take off sandals, and see what incredible things has for you...
Pressing on,